The beautiful women

It has been said from time to time, that the best things in life are free, but one is left to wonder how true this statement is in the day-to-day life of a person. Does it really apply to everyone or does it only work for the favourites? In addition, if so, who are the favourites? I managed to have a conversation with a very close friend; name withheld, who would kill me if he knew that I disclosed this info to anyone, let alone published it.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

It has been said from time to time, that the best things in life are free, but one is left to wonder how true this statement is in the day-to-day life of a person. Does it really apply to everyone or does it only work for the favourites? In addition, if so, who are the favourites?

I managed to have a conversation with a very close friend; name withheld, who would kill me if he knew that I disclosed this info to anyone, let alone published it.

Due to his characteristic good looks, he has fallen victim in the hands of many beautiful women and it is for this reason that to date, he would rather look for personality than physical appearance.

Allan(not real name), narrated to me his ordeal of how he finally came to settle down at the age of 33 with his oh, so loving wife, whom he had for a long time ignored because he felt that she did not appeal to his satisfaction.

He was only 22 at that time, fresh from campus and ready to juggle with life with the greatest enthusiasm. His determination and self-respect doubled with his good looks got him a number of phone numbers that he would never have dreamt of getting.

The freshest of his ordeals he told me was of Anita (not real name) whom he met in a supermarket on his way home. She dropped her handkerchief and Allan being the good person that he is, did not know that by picking and handing the handkerchief back to her, would be the beginning of his worst nightmare.

She gave him what he described to me as one of the rarest smiles that he had ever seen, which made his heart melt. He got to talking to her and even exchanged numbers at the end of the day! He could not believe it!

Either leaving campus was the greatest thing that ever happened to him, or God loved him unconditionally to deliver this beautiful creature to him.

The following three months accompanied romantic dates to the beach, on which he always managed to steal a few kisses from Anita.

It was at this point that Allan swore to me that if the responsibility of proposing was left to a woman and Anita had proposed to him, he would have said yes. Everything was going on well between them until Anita met Allan’s employer whom she immediately fell for.

Allan did not see it coming. Unexpectedly, she started demanding for Allan’s pay check, which could barely sustain both his sickly mother and his overbearing girlfriend.

He thought that if he could just give her that one time, she could come to understand that he really loved her and would give her everything after he managed to succeed in life.

Mistake number one, she could not believe that all this time, Allan had the capacity to sustain her financially but had deliberately brushed it off as if it meant nothing. She cleaned his pay check and did not even leave him money to take to his mom. What had started as heaven on earth was now hell.

The following few months entailed persistent nagging by Anita demanding for more. He could not believe it when one day he walked into the house and found her crying.

He got concerned and asked her what the problem was, she answered that her friend was driving around town while she was padding on foot. Exhibit number one, his salary could not even give him the good life he had dreamt of when he left campus. Exhibit number two, he had no car of his own! How would he start buying a car for someone else and he did not have one of his own!

Allan had had it! He tried breaking up with her but she was not ready to leave him for one reason. Allan had wasted five months of her life and if it were not for him, she would have been in a better place.

He had to pay her she insisted and even threatened to take him to court for neglect.

He thought he was either dreaming, or the gods had jinxed him! She created the most embarrassing scene he had ever seen in his life, and that was when she revealed that she was going out with Allan’s boss.

Allan went to hell and came back in the split of a moment. Was she real? How could he have missed that? Right under his nose, the little cheat went and cheated with his boss? I mean, how cruel can one get? He broke down and cried for almost a week, quit his job and went to the village to help his grand mom out.

It took Allan almost a whole year to get over Anita because she had been his first love. On this note, Anita showed her true self, as being materialistic from the word go.

Allan is one of the many who have fallen victim in the hands of beautiful women in the name of love. I mean, it was so easy for Allan to fall for Anita just by looking at her, but before realizing that she was a wolf in a sheep skin, he had been caught hook, line and sinker. He had paid dearly for being greedy.

Allan’s touching story gave me an insight on beautiful women. The idea is to keep her off balance, intrigued and guessing- make her want to spend time with you and NEVER let her know she is beautiful. Just remember: do not let your guard down and go wimpy on her- the very second she thinks she is in control of you, it is all over.

Therefore, by being different, by being a little refreshing change into the life of a very attractive woman, you might be surprised- it might be the breath of fresh air she has been looking for.

Sure, it is no magic charm and it is not going to work every time. It is gambling all your chips in a game with no back up plan. Let us be honest, good-looking women in the 21st century have the world- literally- by the balls.

That is because, for very attractive women, men are panting puppets, sex is available and money flows from male wallets in a never-ending stream of avarice. Without lifting a finger, very attractive women enjoy lives that most people can fantasize about all day.

They know they are beautiful, they have all the attention in the world and any man would give any thing just to be with them.

I’m not saying that they are bad, there are a lot of women out there who have both the good looks and good personality, but it takes sincere love for a man to be with such a woman, not greed.
