Leaders to face the axe for absconding

Rubavu district authorities have threatened to fire Sector leaders who leave their offices without obtaining permission from the district Mayor. The acting Mayor, Evariste Bizimana, issued the warning on Thursday during a district security meeting, following reports that Sector Executive Secretaries were allocating less time to resident’s concerns.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Rubavu district authorities have threatened to fire Sector leaders who leave their offices without obtaining permission from the district Mayor.

The acting Mayor, Evariste Bizimana, issued the warning on Thursday during a district security meeting, following reports that Sector Executive Secretaries were allocating less time to resident’s concerns.

The Mayor said people were referring many of their concerns to the district, yet they could have been settled at the sector levels.

"Many of you stay in Kigali and operate through your informers and telephones, you don’t give time to the residents you work for. I think we need to end this,” he said.

"From today, we have to agree that nobody will leave the office without permission in writing from the Mayor .”
The meeting also resolved to mobilise funds to clear huge debts incurred during the construction of classrooms for the Nine-Year Basic Education programme in the district.
