NEC urges Rwandans in Diaspora to vote

KIGALI - The National Electoral Commission (NEC) is sensitising Rwandans living in the Diaspora to take part in the 2010 Presidential polls.

Saturday, February 27, 2010
IN CHARGE; Charles Munyaneza

KIGALI - The National Electoral Commission (NEC) is sensitising Rwandans living in the Diaspora to take part in the 2010 Presidential polls.

Charles Munyaneza, the NEC Executive Secretary and Oswald Burasanzwe, member of the NEC board of commissioners, are in South Africa to brief Rwandans living in the country, especially in Pretoria, Johannesburg and Cape Town on the polls.

The one week tour of duty in the Republic of South Africa that started on February 22, 2010 will be concluded on February 27, 2010.

Officials from NEC also recently travelled to Uganda and Tanzania, countries that host a large number of Rwandans.
Similar tours will be conducted in other countries that host considerable numbers of Rwandans including Burundi, Kenya, India, USA, Canada and other countries in Europe.

NEC is set to announce the list of candidates contesting for the presidential seat on July 7 while the candidate’s registration exercise will run from June 24 to July 2.

Currently the commission is compiling voters’ lists, and from March 3 to March 21, the lists will be sent to the local levels for further verification. The final list of voters will be announced on July 23.
