RPF members vow to ensure peaceful elections

GICUMBI- Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) leaders in Gicumbi district have been advised to sensitise residents on the party’s manifesto and rally other people behind the party.

Friday, February 26, 2010
Mayor Bonane Nyangezi adressing party faithfuls at Hotel Urumuli last week. (Photo A.Gahene)

GICUMBI- Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) leaders in Gicumbi district have been advised to sensitise residents on the party’s manifesto and rally other people behind the party.

The district party Chairman, Bonane Nyangezi, made the remarks during a delegates’ conference held at Hotel Urumuli.

The party faithful vowed to tighten security in the entire district in order to ensure peaceful presidential elections scheduled for August this year.

Addressing an estimated 1,000 party faithful drawn from across the district, Nyangezi said; "RPF political manifesto aims at uniting all Rwandans and steering economic development to attain true democracy countrywide.”

Nyangezi, who is also the District Mayor, pointed out that the party members have greatly contributed to recruiting other members now estimated at over 187,000 in the entire district.

"RPF members at various administrative levels have also enabled the district to attain tremendous socio-economic achievements, including land consolidation, in which the district has registered a high yield of wheat, beans and potatoes,” he added.

Participants also resolved to put more efforts in providing housing for vulnerable persons. 
