Victoire Ingabire’s personal admission of a criminal case: a most welcome development

Well then! So the genocide apologist FDU-Inkingi would-be presidential candidate, Ms Ingabire Victoire acknowledges she has cases to answer in courts of law. At least this is what we read through her 22 February, 2010 press release after she was shunned out by the British High Commission over her asylum seeking.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Well then! So the genocide apologist FDU-Inkingi would-be presidential candidate, Ms Ingabire Victoire acknowledges she has cases to answer in courts of law. At least this is what we read through her 22 February, 2010 press release after she was shunned out by the British High Commission over her asylum seeking.

"I like to make it public, that from now on during this night and all next police interrogations, I will, if necessary, use my constitutional right to be silent until my case is taken to a court of law…”

Indeed, hoping to kill two birds with one stone, Victoire Ingabire had, in her usual "out-of-touch-with-reality-mind-set”, thought she would just enter the British high Commission, claim she has been harassed for her imaginary high caliber opposition stature, and secure a blanket asylum thus in her mind, raising her political profile. As simple as that!

In her simple mind, she imagined would escape the inquisitive apt minds over her genocide ideology, her relations with the FDLR/Interahamwe/EXFAR terrorist group and other related crimes, while at the same time gaining a martyrdom status and her much sought-for sympathy from unsuspecting western opinion while providing her sycophants with temporary reasons to demonstrate and shed crocodile tears over what they are bound to hypocritically call her sacrifice. Indeed as the English say: you can’t have your cake and eat it!

The poor lady lives in permanent illusion to an extent that she had even directed her so-called Coordination Committee in FDU-Inkingi to sound the alarm as soon as she entered the High Commission premises – she had the utmost confidence she would be automatically granted ‘asylum’ – which her ideologues promptly did signal by issuing a press release which clearly demonstrates their paranoia towards the Rwandan authorities.

The head of this so-called coordination committee, Mr. Nkiko Nsengimana wrote: "Following confirmed information of an imminent arrest, detention in a solitary confinement, physical and mental harassment and psychological torture, Ms. Victoire Ingabire, the Chair of FDU Inkingi, managed to reach the British High Commission in Kigali for a temporary refuge…”

With regard to imprisonment our guess is she knows the extent of her crimes and this could be a personal confession and testimony of where she believes ought to be but does she also read into the future to know the prison conditions?

And as if through unfathomable obstacles but thanks to unpredictable ingenuity, she "managed to reach the High Commission…” a journey she has made more than once before. Wasn’t it so pathetic, one would only laugh of such un-harnessed imagination and presentation of a mythology.

As it was bound to happen, when the British High Commission rubbished the aspirant martyr with her clumsy claims, she was at loss for words and appeared totally confused and had to somehow unwillingly confess that "I am home and safe”, the usual state of situation for all the people residing in Rwanda.

No more mention of the predicted mental harassment or psychological torture…Only that she would probably from now on, remain silent until her next police summon.

We can hardly wait for such a moment ourselves when the controversial lady would graduate to standing for her latest indirect confessions of the heinous crimes that she is representative of. We believe this has been long overdue, but as the saying goes, better late than never!

As a Rwandan, having been at the receiving end for sixteen years now of the effects of the ideology of the likes of Ingabire, and having for that matter continuously been treated to her extremist rhetoric, that of the RDR, whether earlier in Mugunga and Kibumba refugee camps and now through FDU Inkingi from western capitals and intensely now inside Rwanda, this is impunity of first order.

How do you preach revisionist and genocide denial in a country that is only fifteen years out of a genocide that was prepared over a period of over 35 years thus needing sanity and the requisite time to undo the extent of havoc while building unity among Rwandans and reconstructing this country!

Surely one needs to be in the very mind of this controversial Rwandan woman to understand her psyche. It is no wonder that genocide survivors have been up in arms to question her intentions, this indeed reminds us Rwandans of the terrible days in 1994 and we should expect even an escalation among concerned Rwandans if she is not tamed or doesn’t tame herself-which is never to happen-before April, the mourning period.

As we have said before, this controversial Rwandan lady was fed and bred on the very genocide ideology that led to the 1994 apocalypse; she is an ardent advocate of ethnically based politics and a believer in the theory of having a Rwanda that is cleared of a one section of the Rwandan community for how they were born.

Unless when totally uninformed-which would be unfortunate in today’s global village-Only those that are for a perpetuation of crises in this region would support her evil minded agenda. As the Kinyarwanda adage: the days of a thief are forty!