Bazivamo urges former local leaders to work with their successors

GICUMBI — The Minister of Forestry and Mineral Resources, Christopher Bazivamo has called on Gicumbi district leaders to work closely with their predecessors to promote modern agriculture and livestock farming.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

GICUMBI — The Minister of Forestry and Mineral Resources, Christopher Bazivamo has called on Gicumbi district leaders to work closely with their predecessors to promote modern agriculture and livestock farming.

Bazivamo was addressing former district leaders and other public officials at Byumba’s Hotel Urumuli.

"Leaders should desist from corruption, divisionism and all forms of social injustice during the course of carrying out their duties,” said Bazivamo.  

He cited integrity, self respect, patriotism and heroism as among the qualities expected of local leaders.    

Bazivamo further called on leaders to work tirelessly to conserve the environment through tree planting while seeking to sensitise residents to live in community settlements (Imidugudu) and guarantee good health through joining health insurance schemes. 

On his part, Mayor Bonané Nyangezi urged participants to work as a team for the common goal of attaining unity, economic development and prosperity.

"We are servants of the people, this is why we should respect their advice and opinions,” he said. 

The National Electoral Commission (NEC) coordinator, Protais Rumanzi called on those tasked with assisting on the forthcoming presidential polls to sensitise residents to turn up in large numbers to cast their votes. 

"Leaders at all levels should sensitise residents to turn up in large numbers for the voting exercise because it is part of their noble contribution towards national development,” said Rumanzi. 

He further urged local leaders to avoid entertaining people ‘who are bent on spreading harmful propaganda’ aimed at disrupting the elections.

The meeting was organised by the NEC in partnership with Gicumbi district to sensitise former and serving leaders on their role in national unity and development. 