Malnutrition high among polygamous families

MUSANZE - community health workers, have reported that the majority of children suffering from malnutrition are from polygamous families. During a meeting called to sensitize residents on the best approaches to tackle this challenge, women reportedly highlighted some of the issues that they face as parents especially those from polygamous family set ups.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

MUSANZE - community health workers, have reported that the majority of children suffering from malnutrition are from polygamous families. 

During a meeting called to sensitize residents on the best approaches to tackle this challenge, women reportedly highlighted some of the issues that they face as parents especially those from polygamous family set ups.

‘Malnutrition is not only a result of poverty as widely believed,” Claudine Mashengesho, a community health worker in Shingiro said. "We must be honest enough by saying that polygamy should be counted as a contributing factor to this challenge.’’

The sensitization campaign was organized by the district authorities in partnership with Ruhengeri hospital. On a positive note, it was reported that cases of malnutrition have reduced in the district.

"We currently have 20 children suffering severe malnutrition while 34 other are reported to be under average cases of malnutrition,” Emmanuel Bagiruwigize the health affairs coordinator in the district said.

"This is a significant improvement of 55 and 72 children respectively reported last year.’’
