French court rejects Munyemana’s refugee application

French authorities recently denied refugee status to Sosthène Munyemana who is also known as the ‘Butcher of Tumba’ because of his suspected role in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. Munyemana earned the tag for his alleged killings at the University Hospital in Butare (current Huye district), where he was a prominent gynaecologist in April 1994.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

French authorities recently denied refugee status to Sosthène Munyemana who is also known as the ‘Butcher of Tumba’ because of his suspected role in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Munyemana earned the tag for his alleged killings at the University Hospital in Butare (current Huye district), where he was a prominent gynaecologist in April 1994.

In an interview yesterday, Alain Gauthier who heads a Paris-based rights body that advocates for the rights of Genocide survivors (CPCR), he said that the country’s highest court, Le Conseil d’Etat, snubbed the fugitive’s asylum request.

"Le Conseil d’Etat very recently confirmed the refusal to grant Munyemana refugee status,” Gauthier said in an e-mail Wednesday.

"I was informed this morning. I think the decision was taken yesterday, but I am not sure. In any case, it is certainly a very recent decision.”

Early this month, a French Court of Appeal in the port city of Bordeaux rescheduled Munyemana’s extradition ruling to June 3.

Munyemana continues to work in the hospital of Villeneuve-sur-Lot, in south-western France but his previous employer – a hospital in the French city of Bordeaux, had suspended him.
