Motorcyclists should also take alcohol tests

Editor, I appreciate the good work that Traffic Police do to minimise road accidents. However, I would also like to request police them to use breathalysers to test on motorcyclists because they have a tendency of transporting passengers while under the influence of alcohol and other illicit drugs. This came to my attention when I boarded a motorcycle during daytime recently, only to find that the cyclist who was transporting me was totally drunk.

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Taxi Motou2019s as they are popularily known. Traffic Police must make sure they do not ride under the influence of alcohol and other drugs.


I appreciate the good work that Traffic Police do to minimise road accidents.

However, I would also like to request police them to use breathalysers to test on motorcyclists because they have a tendency of transporting passengers while under the influence of alcohol and other illicit drugs.

This came to my attention when I boarded a motorcycle during daytime recently, only to find that the cyclist who was transporting me was totally drunk.

We are all happy with how visibly the institution has stepped up the fight against drunk driving. The Police have enforced strict measures which even include jail time for drunk drivers; they should also introduce the same measures to the motorcyclists because they cause most accidents around town.

I would also like to call upon the police to not only carry out the tests over weekends or at night because these people also drink during the day- which is equally dangerous.

I think the police should also introduce a system of testing marijuana users because it seems that the moto’ riders use it a lot. This drug is as dangerous, if not worse than alcohol.

John Butera