KHI students shall have a 12 month medical education

Editor, Having read the article entailed “Muligande Pledges training for medics”, I just want to correct it. What the Minister of Education promised to KHI students was that he was going to talk to the Student Financing Agency for Rwanda (SFAR) to see if they can extend the scholarship (bourse) for medical education to be twelve months instead of ten.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Having read the article entailed "Muligande Pledges training for medics”, I just want to correct it. What the Minister of Education promised to KHI students was that he was going to talk to the Student Financing Agency for Rwanda (SFAR) to see if they can extend the scholarship (bourse) for medical education to be twelve months instead of ten.

This has been requested by the management of KHI due to the fact that medical education lasts twelve months.

So by extending the scholarship, students will fulfill their academic workloads comfortably.

Uhawenimana Thierry Claudien
Public Relations Officer
Kigali Health Institute