Ingabire should leave us alone!

Editor, For the past few months since she arrived in the country, the so-called Presidential aspirant Victoire Ingabire has ignited controversies within our society. There has not been any developmental idea put forth by her; and all she has managed to do is exposing to us her political agenda, which is not what we want. Rwandans will not fall prey to her divisionism that she has been spreading at different forums ever since she came.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


For the past few months since she arrived in the country, the so-called Presidential aspirant Victoire Ingabire has ignited controversies within our society.

There has not been any developmental idea put forth by her; and all she has managed to do is exposing to us her political agenda, which is not what we want. Rwandans will not fall prey to her divisionism that she has been spreading at different forums ever since she came.

Look at the great level of economic development, unity and reconciliation, peace and stability, democracy and the country’s vision 2020.

What else can she come up with in terms of building Rwanda other than provoking wrangles amongst different sections of Rwandans?

Ingabire Victoire’s speeches and activities since her arrival in Rwanda on 16 January, have convinced us that she is still stuck with ideologies that characterized leaders of before 1994.

She should, like any other Rwanda, observe and appreciate what has been achieved. This will give her a clear idea of what she can do to contribute to the country’s development—that is if she has any love for her country.

John Gakumba