Fire guts B-Club

KIGALI - B-Club Discotheque located in the upscale Nyarutarama area in Gasabo District, was yesterday left in total ruins after a fire broke out and destroyed the entire second floor of KL House where the nightclub is located. The cause of the fire is yet to be determined but eyewitnesses attributed it to a mistake that could have been made by a technician who was repairing gas pipes in the club’s kitchen. “A technician was repairing the gas pipes in the kitchen; he wrongly connected the pipes which led to an explosion that sparked off the fire,” said Fidel Hakizimana, an eyewitness. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Smoke billows from the ruins of B-Club yesterday as fire-fighters try to contain it. (Photo/ F. Goodman)

KIGALI - B-Club Discotheque located in the upscale Nyarutarama area in Gasabo District, was yesterday left in total ruins after a fire broke out and destroyed the entire second floor of KL House where the nightclub is located.

The cause of the fire is yet to be determined but eyewitnesses attributed it to a mistake that could have been made by a technician who was repairing gas pipes in the club’s kitchen.

"A technician was repairing the gas pipes in the kitchen; he wrongly connected the pipes which led to an explosion that sparked off the fire,” said Fidel Hakizimana, an eyewitness.

"The fire started at around 16:30 but we cannot determine the cause now,” Police spokesman Eric Kayiranga said in an interview.

The entire wing of the club including the bar area and the dancing floor was scorched and the club staff could assess the estimated cost of the damage.

Emile Bazemezwaniki, an Intersec security guard who was at the scene when the fire started, told The New Times that the flames started from the kitchen.

"I saw heavy black smoke coming from the kitchen, immediately I heard a heavy explosion. I informed people to get out of the building and I immediately called the police,” said Bazemezwaniki.

He added that police firefighters responded minutes later to battle the blaze.

Residents neighbouring the club managed to intervene and remove property from the building. 

The adjacent Kobil petrol station surprisingly remained untouched.

One person sustained a minor glass cut on the leg.
B-Club is owned by city entertainment mogul, Barry Ndangeyingoma, who was not on the scene; managers and staff of the club refused to talk to the press.

The fire raged for about three hours before the police, army and residents managed to put it out completely.
