Cattle diseases ravage Eastern Province

NYAGATARE - Laboratory results from Rwanda Animal Resources and Development Authority (RARDA) confirmed there are several cattle diseases in Eastern Province, an official has said.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
VICTIMS: Frisians have been said to be the mostly affected by the livestock outbreaks. (Photo/ Dan Ngabonziza)

NYAGATARE - Laboratory results from Rwanda Animal Resources and Development Authority (RARDA) confirmed there are several cattle diseases in Eastern Province, an official has said.

Speaking to The New Times, RARDA representative in Eastern Province, Dr. Augustin Zimulinda, said that four types of cattle diseases have been confirmed in the province after several tests were carried out.

"At first we experienced Foot and Mouth Disease in various parts of Nyagatare District, but later when we carried out other tests in our main laboratory in Rubirizi (Kicukiro district), we discovered other diseases in the province,’ he said.

The diseases, according to Dr. Zimulinda, include Contagious Bovine Pleural Pneumonia (CBPP), Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) and Tick Borne Disease (TBD). 

Dr. Zimulinda explained that most of these diseases were spread during the recent illegal movement of cattle to Gabiro Military barracks in Nyagatare district.

He also pointed out that the diseases have mostly affected exotic cattle

"These diseases especially Tick Borne Disease, has become hazardous to Fresians. They die immediately after being infected,’ he said.

He called on farmers to be vigilant and warned them against illegal movement of cattle, saying that tough measures will be taken against the culprits.
