Security is everybody’s responsibility

Last Friday, three grenade attacks around Kigali killed innocent people and injured several others. According to police, three suspects have so far been arrested, a sign that the prompt response from the security organs is beginning to bear fruit.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Last Friday, three grenade attacks around Kigali killed innocent people and injured several others. According to police, three suspects have so far been arrested, a sign that the prompt response from the security organs is beginning to bear fruit.

However, the general public too should get involved and contribute to maintaining security. The attacks were orchestrated by individuals who lack a sense of value and respect to human life, and are against peace and prosperity in Rwanda.

As a community that has come a long way in achieving stability, we cannot allow our progress to be robbed by such heinous criminals.

If we are to continue enjoying peace and security, we must take it as our individual responsibilities to protect what we have built as a country over the last 15 years.

Anyone who comes across information related to possible activities that threaten security, whether prior to or after, should report it to the police. We should be vigilant and report any suspicious behavior.

Despite the attacks, Rwanda is still a very safe country. However, as a population, we should not relax and take the safety for granted. We must always stay alert and help the police, through active participation in community policing programs.

Once we all feel that security is also our responsibility, and we act accordingly, there is no doubt that we shall not only prevent such grenade attacks, but also forestall other crimes.
