FASHION / STYLE : rules of men’s fashion

Last week I remember giving you tips on Valentine’s Day fashion trends. However, this time, our topic is taking a different angle, guiding men on the latest styles, and to be fashion conscious. Most guys are fashion illiterates.  They think that it’s not necessary to leaf tips from fashion magazines.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Last week I remember giving you tips on Valentine’s Day fashion trends. However, this time, our topic is taking a different angle, guiding men on the latest styles, and to be fashion conscious.

Most guys are fashion illiterates.  They think that it’s not necessary to leaf tips from fashion magazines.

There are several careless fashion mistakes men make. For example, wearing clashing colours, and wearing unmatched accessories.

As a whole, a bit of a minefield and nowhere is it more evident than in watches, shoes and shirts.

Trust me on this one, only a few men can get away with fashion blunders. For most guys, they will wear anything to cover their manhood, and to fulfil the obligation.

For watches: if your watch is bigger on your arm, reduce it to a size that fits well.

Sports socks: Sports socks are comfortable and designed to absorb sweat and bad odours. In fact, they are perfect in all ways, except for one reason, can you guess?

For those of you who did not know, here is a clue. The problem with sports socks is the name. That is right. These socks should only be worn when doing sports.

Still on the subject of socks, here is a news flash. Red ones are outdated. Listen, the whole expressing your individuality thing with daft-coloured socks was a thing of yore. 

The other unbreakable fashion rule for men is wearing suspenders and a belt. Suspenders, as you hear the name, are used as an alternative to belts.

Also, it’s an unforgivable crime to wear a suspender with a belt. The two accessories serve the same purpose. So, don’t mix the two seasons.

However, the latest fashion that is becoming very popular amongst men of all ages is the standard fit corduroys, perhaps in a thin pencil stripe or herringbone pattern. It works perfectly for men who have a reputation for a relaxed and approachable image.

V-neck sweaters worn with casual pants and topped off with a snugly fitted sport or outfit would be a very sharp and clean look to compliment most men.

The necktie is optional and is a matter of individual consideration – certainly it would look fabulous in this instance if paired according to the general rules of taste and caution.

Be careful with black. Black is a colour best suited for formal or outerwear. If black must be worn – limit it to a single piece of clothing at a given time, such as a necktie, shirt or trouser.

Having a progressive attitude towards fashion trends and your own personal taste will serve you very well.

Taking a step forward would be ideal to finish off this fashion story. Invest in your fashion prospects by overcoming a particular complaint you might hold towards a unique item of clothing – perhaps the sweater vest, or even the concept of bright, and bold colours.

Say goodbye to fashion blunders, and focus on the latest fashion trends, because it’s quite likely more men will choose the "throw-on” and run.
