Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic infection, caused by intracellular parasite, Toxoplasma   Gondii. It is prevalent not only in the underdeveloped countries, but Europe and America as well. Cats and their preys are hosts for this infection and harbour the parasite.  The eggs or oocysts of toxoplasmosis are regularly shed in cat’s faeces where they can survive   approximately up to 2 weeks. Human beings get infected by consumption of food contaminated with faeces of cats. 

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic infection, caused by intracellular parasite, Toxoplasma   Gondii. It is prevalent not only in the underdeveloped countries, but Europe and America as well.

Cats and their preys are hosts for this infection and harbour the parasite.  The eggs or oocysts of toxoplasmosis are regularly shed in cat’s faeces where they can survive   approximately up to 2 weeks. Human beings get infected by consumption of food contaminated with faeces of cats. 

Handling raw meat or eating undercooked meat   or uncooked milk products are the prime sources of infection.  Persons handling meat or having cats as pets are at a greater risk of exposure to toxoplasmosis, if good hygiene is not maintained.

A person may harbour   the   oocysts or   in his body without any clinical manifestations.  Majority of such cases go unnoticed and remain in good state without any treatment.

However symptoms develop with focal tissue destruction and organ failure as the various parts of body get invaded by the eggs.

As these eggs go on multiplying, symptoms also increase in severity. An immune depressed individual, i.e. patient with HIV/AIDS or renal failure or malignancy is more likely to have clinically manifest tissue damage caused by Toxoplasma infection.

Painless enlargement of the lymph nodes is common, presenting as discrete painless soft swellings. However in some cases there may be generalized enlargement of lymph nodes.

Fever, headache, body ache and feeling of ill health may occur in 20 -40% persons at the onset of the disease .

Involvement of the lungs can cause breathlessness, and dry cough which may progress to respiratory failure. Brain becomes a common site for involvement particularly in immune depressed individuals.

This manifests as severe unexplained headache, behaviour abnormalities, convulsions and/or paralysis of various parts in various degrees.

Severe abdominal pain, unexplained severe pain in one or more limbs, are the other manifestations of toxoplasmosis. Pancreas ,eyes ,liver and heart are other parts which can be affected. Some studies done in U.S. show very interesting results.

It   postulates that people   caught in drunken driving or who pick up fights or show some unruly or antisocial behaviour, could be suffering from sub clinical cerebral toxoplasmosis. It means affection not severe   enough to cause medical illness, but   is disturbing the brain functioning.

In case of a pregnant woman having toxoplasmosis, there is a high risk of abortion and  passing on the infection to the new born. 

The baby born suffers from mental retardation, convulsions, abnormal behaviour. Inflammation of parts of the eye causes blurred and defective vision.  

Toxoplasmosis is diagnosed by the relevant serological tests. On getting pregnant, a woman is routinely screened for toxoplasmosis as part of,” TORCH”, test.

Treatment is by anti infective drugs singly or in combination like Bactrim, sulphadiazine, pyrimethamine and clindamycin. These drugs have to be taken for 4 to 6 weeks for complete recovery.

In case of immune depressed individuals, one has to continue taking the drug in a prophylactic dose to prevent relapse, either life long or till the body’s immune system improves. Corticosteroids are added to reduce the inflammation caused by the cysts on various body tissues and organs.

Toxoplasmosis is better prevented than treated.  One should never eat meat or milk product of any kind unless it is thoroughly cooked or boiled. 

Meat preferably should be consumed either home cooked or from a reliable source.  Good hand hygiene in handling, cooking, serving and eating meat is very important.

Those keeping cats as pets should be very particular about   cleanliness of their homes and hands both. Litter box of cat should be cleaned at least every 2nd day, if not daily.

After holding cats physically, it is important to wash hands, particularly before cooking, eating or serving food. Because paws or body of cat can be contaminated with faecal matter, which can be a source for transmission of toxoplasmosis. 

With small precautions, one can prevent a chronic troublesome illness.