Have your say : Does polygamy affect society?

When you see smoke always know there could be something burning somewhere so always find out where the smoke is coming from. Polygamy seems harmless to society but most social problems today are as a result of this kind of arrangement. Polygamy is a form of marriage in which a person has more than one spouse at the same time.

Friday, February 19, 2010

When you see smoke always know there could be something burning somewhere so always find out where the smoke is coming from. Polygamy seems harmless to society but most social problems today are as a result of this kind of arrangement.

Polygamy is a form of marriage in which a person has more than one spouse at the same time.

It consists of three specifics forms: - Polygyny where a man marries several wives, Polyandry where a woman is married to several men and Group marriage where marriage is a combination of both Polygyny and Polyandry.

In most African countries the Law recognizes the traditional Polygamous marriage. Also some religions such as Islam accept it.

However, according to the Rwandan Constitution, Article 26 states that only Civil Monogamous marriage between a man and woman is recognized and the Law determines the conditions, forms and effect of marriage.

Several social vices such as domestic violence, rivalry, sexual abuse like rape and incest, manslaughter and poverty are sometimes outcomes of a Polygamous set up. It’s due to the above that I interviewed people to get their say on the issue.


Polygamy affects society because it’s the supreme medium in the spread of HIV AIDS. Since a man cannot satisfy all his wives both sexually and financially they get "a side dish” (slang commonly used for a partner outside marriage).


It affects society because there are always verbal disagreements amongst the co-wives creating a nasty environment for the children hence unhealthy moral conduct.


Domestic Violence is mostly attached to Polygamous families because of the constant disagreements that are involved due to its kind of set up.


Polygamy does affect society because amongst co-wives property struggles arise when their Husband dies. The women might use sinister means to grab as much as possible of the property left behind!


Poverty is most likely to increase in a Polygamous family because there are limited resources yet many people are involved. 


In any Family set up unity is always considered a key factor but there is no unity in a Polygamous family set up because of rivalry amongst the co-wives trying to fight for attention and affection.


Polygamy is associated with acts such as sexual abuse hence it affects society. Most of the women in the Polygamous marriage are raped by their Husbands since most of the times there is no chemistry and affection between them.

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