Reco/Rwasco management should be more professional

Editor, As any individual who has ever dared not clear his/her water bill fast enough knows, the response from Reco/Rwasco is swift; they will disconnect your electricity due to the outstanding invoices and issue a fine for not paying the invoices. I truly agree with this exercise, it is a win-win situation, if any individual needs water, he/she should pay for the water. However, I’ve become very disappointed with RECO/RWASCO. Ten days ago there was fiber-optic installation just in front of my home.

Thursday, February 18, 2010
Reco/Rwasco, former Electrogaz, headquarters in Kigali. Reco/Rwasco must respond to customer problems in a more timely manner.


As any individual who has ever dared not clear his/her water bill fast enough knows, the response from Reco/Rwasco is swift; they will disconnect your electricity due to the outstanding invoices and issue a fine for not paying the invoices. I truly agree with this exercise, it is a win-win situation, if any individual needs water, he/she should pay for the water.

However, I’ve become very disappointed with RECO/RWASCO. Ten days ago there was fiber-optic installation just in front of my home.

During the installation the laborers accidentally crushed one of the water pipes that bring water into the house. This accident was reported and RECO/RWASCO, acting responsible, shut down the flow of water.  

Since then, they have promised   to repair   the pipes   but   until   now nothing   has    been   done. They say that they do not have the materials they need to fix the pipes, they out of   stock.

I am asking myself how RECO/RWASCO can be out of stock for more than 10 days. What happens if   there’s   a   major   disaster   or 20 homes   face   the   same   problem that I faced?

The most disappointing moment was when I faced the Kacyiru Station Manager to explain the situation I had for the last ten days; she simply told me that they are out of stock and advised me to buy the required materials by myself if I needed water and the ask for reimbursement later on. I was actually given a list of items to buy.

This was very clear that the matter could only be solved by buying the required materials. I can say, I have been a victim in this situation and I do not know when these materials will be in stock.

Reco/Rwasco has done better before and we, the clients, still appreciate their hard work but with the kind of customer care and response I received, they do not deserve any praise at all.

Secondly, the Management/Board of Directors should take harsh measures to ensure that stupid explanations like things being "out of stock” should be avoided.

Lastly they should make an explicit agreement with the parties who are responsible for the installing the optic fibers or any other construction activities so that in case of damage, they can be responsible for the damages.

Frustrated Reco/Rwasco client