District announces farmers’ week

KIREHE - Kirehe district leaders and agricultural officials have set aside one week for sensitisation of farmers about the land consolidation programme, geared at improving crop production. Launching the ‘Farmers’ week’ on Wednesday, the district Mayor Protais Murayira, said a programme has already been drawn for the event. He also revealed activities such as exploring strategies to increase production and planning for the new crop cultivation season will form part of the programme. 

Thursday, February 18, 2010
A Farmer in the company of an extension officer inspecting a maize field in Mahama sector.

KIREHE - Kirehe district leaders and agricultural officials have set aside one week for sensitisation of farmers about the land consolidation programme, geared at improving crop production.

Launching the ‘Farmers’ week’ on Wednesday, the district Mayor Protais Murayira, said a programme has already been drawn for the event. He also revealed activities such as exploring strategies to increase production and planning for the new crop cultivation season will form part of the programme. 

"It is important that leaders help people boost farming and agriculture activities. This event will go a long way in demonstrating how farming can be improved,” he said. 

Benson Muhikira, the vice Mayor in charge of Economic planning and Development, said they have mapped centres like Gatore that will be acting as models of modern farming for other farmers in the district.

"Hunger, famine, malnutrition and poverty will be history in our district, if the zeal with which our people are working continues. This is the prime objective of the event.” 

Nathalie Niyonagira, the district’s agricultural officer said the campaign is aimed at breaking the culture of subsistence non-productive farming.  

The government through donors has helped the district to channel water from dams to facilitate irrigation. Kirehe district in general experiences long droughts. 
