The BK Remera branch should be commended

Editor,Allow me, through your paper, to congratulate the Bank of Kigali(BK) Remera branch  for the tasteful renovations and extensions made on the bank branch.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Allow me, through your paper, to congratulate the Bank of Kigali (BK) Remera branch  for the tasteful renovations and extensions made on the bank branch.

We, the customers, used to suffer from the poor aeration at the branch and the lack of enough seats but now that the banking premises have increased, there is enough space for the air conditioning and seats have been provided for the long suffering customers.

This kind of innovation should be done in all the bank branches such as the one found Kacyiru.

Other than this small complaint, I can say that BK is doing well where customer care is concerned. That is, of course, in the branches I have visited so far.

Bravo and keep it up.
Simon Mugisha