Two murdered in Ruhango

SOUTHERN PROVINCE RUHANGO — Residents in Ruhango district are gripped with fear following the murder of two people in less than two weeks.

Sunday, December 09, 2007


RUHANGO — Residents in Ruhango district are gripped with fear following the murder of two people in less than two weeks.

The first case occurred on November 27 in Kamusenyi, Byimana sector when Theophile Basubira, 33, a released genocide convict stabbed and killed Shaban Hategikimana 40, a former fellow inmate.

The deceased and the suspected assailant were reportedly returning from another genocide suspect’s home only identified as Rwayitare.

Police sources say the murder suspect stabbed and stoned the victim and later dumped the body in a stream. The body reportedly bore visible wounds. 

The second death was discovered on December 4, when the body of 15-year old Janvier Bakundinka was found in a pit latrine in Rukeri village, Nyabibugu cell in Mwendo sector.

Two suspected assailants Daniel Hitimana, 27 and Benjamin Rudahumbira 30, have been arrested.

Hitimana reportedly confessed to killing Bakundinka and revealed that the crime took place on November 25, but his fellow-accused denies any involvement.

Sources say that Hitimana had a land conflict with his victim and wanted to eliminate him.

The body was discovered by the victim’s sister who also happens to be Hitimana’s wife.

All the suspects in both cases have since been handed over to court. 

The murders are reportedly attributed to land wrangles and Gacaca issues in the area.

"What has happened to people these days, killing has become a norm and we hear the same stories in Gikongoro. Something must be done.

People should work for peace instead of wasting innocent lives,” one angry trader in Ruhango Market said. 

Local authorities were not able to comment on the increasing spate of murder cases in the south but Police say that security has been beefed up and residents have been urged to be vigilant especially during this festive season.
