Sinners’ fate is sealed

Man has liberty to choose whatever he wants to do within the limits that does not break the law of the land. I wonder whether this opening sentence really defines freedom as is always understood.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Man has liberty to choose whatever he wants to do within the limits that does not break the law of the land. I wonder whether this opening sentence really defines freedom as is always understood.

The law of the land is however quite specific on what man can do and what he can not do. So, my interpretation is that man is free to do what the law of the land says, and he is also free not to do what the law says he should not do.

But we have a supreme being, God Almighty, who created the heavens and the earth. He also created man in His own image. He is the centre of the universe, and the author and giver of life.

God has also given man laws for man to obey. He sent His only begotten son to come and die for us so that "whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life” So, we realize then that there is the law of the land and the law of God.

Man will do anything to keep within the law of the land. Why? Because the law of the land has immediate consequences when broken.

The law of the land has many agents who enforce it. The agents will whisk any offender to jail as soon as it is apparent that the law has been disobeyed.

What about God’s law? It has no immediate punishment neither, are there agents who enforce it. In fact, the Bible tells us that there is in store a day, at the end of time, when the earth will be destroyed along with the sinners.

That day is far off in the very distant future, so we argue. But, today I have a message for people who argue like that. God’s law must be obeyed and those who do not obey it will face an angry God some day.

We read in Deuteronomy 32 : 35 "It is mine to avenge, I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them” This text contains some words which I would like to examine and make the basis of this commentary.

The words are "In due time their foot will slip.” It simply means that those who remain sinners and do not want to follow the law of God are soon going to slip, or slide into their own damnation. We shall look at the four effects of these words.

First, it means that these sinners are always exposed to destruction, as one that stands or walks in slippery places is exposed to sudden fall. We are told their foot will slip. 

It means that there is no want of power in God in order to cast these people to their damnation. The strongest have no power to resist him, because we are told that they will slip on their own, and once they slip, they will be on their way down.

Secondly, it also means that there is no timing when they will slip and fall. They are exposed to sudden fall. They cannot know whether the next step is the one to lead them down.

It is written in Psalms 73 : 18 – 19 "Surely, you did set them in slippery paths; you cast them down into destruction. How they are brought down into desolation so suddenly!”

It also means that falling they will fall; there is no doubt about it, because God himself set them on that slippery path. Their disobedience calls for their destruction, yet it is due to the mercy of God that they have not fallen yet.

Thirdly, is that the sinners are liable to fall of themselves without being thrown down by the hand of another, as they stand or walk on slippery ground. Once they start falling, their own weight throws them down.

Those of you who have slipped and fallen know exactly what I am saying here. Every effort you make to steady yourself once you have slipped and are on your way down, will increase the momentum of your fall instead of helping.

For disobeying God’s law, they are under condemnation of death, and nothing changes that. John 3: 18 says "He that believeth not is condemned already”

The fourth reality the sinners face is that the reason why they have not fallen already, could it be because God’s appointed time has not come.

The statement says that "in due time” or at some appointed time, "their foot will slip” It also means that God will not hold them any longer but will allow them to fall on their own weight.

He, who stands in slippery places, or at the edge of a pit, will fall so suddenly when he is let to go. God gives sinners time to repent and follow his word. He does not allow them to fall at the first instance.

He warns them of the bleak time facing them, and gives them ample time to repent. So, we arrive at where we started.

Though there is no immediate danger in failing to heed God’s words, or ignoring to accept Jesus Christ as their personal saviour, sinners are warned of the consequences of that failure.

Their fate will come suddenly, and without remedy. The chance is now, to walk the Godly path.
