Perfect Weekend…. : Marie Louise Nyilinkwaya

Marie Louise Nyilinkwaya is the Human Resource Manager at the Federation Rwandaise de Football Association (Federation of Football Association in Rwanda). Although she sometimes gets caught up with the matches organized over the weekend, there is time when she enjoys her weekend freely as she puts it below.

Friday, February 12, 2010
Marie Louise Nyilinkwaya

Marie Louise Nyilinkwaya is the Human Resource Manager at the Federation Rwandaise de Football Association (Federation of Football Association in Rwanda). Although she sometimes gets caught up with the matches organized over the weekend, there is time when she enjoys her weekend freely as she puts it below.

On Friday after sports, like at 6p.m is when I start my weekend. I get home; relax while listening to music or sometimes watching movies.

On Saturday, I wake-up at 8a.m, prepare breakfast for the family which of course includes milk, bread, eggs and juice. I then relax as I supervise the cleaning and putting the house in order.

I have lunch at about 2p.m. I may either plan to attend a wedding or attend to visitors at home. Or, I may decide to visit my mum and enjoy the weekend with the family.

On Sunday, I get time to prepare the different meals I enjoy and salads never miss at the dining table. It is also the day I go shopping for what is needed through the week.

I later find time for myself and reflect on what I managed to do the previous week as well as plan for the next. However, being a Catholic, I attend the afternoon church service.

By 5p.m, I go swimming at La Palise hotel in Nyandungu. I love the place but I get home early to prepare for Monday. I get to bed latest at 10p.m.

That makes my weekend perfect.