Dear Aunt Silvia, I am a successful business man with a wife and two grown up children. Over 15 years ago I was involved in a road accident and I was hospitalised for almost six months. I underwent over five major operations, one which was done to my scrotum and was told by the doctors that I cannot sire children again. I tried time and again to prove the doctors wrong but the results were all the same. So I stopped trying for more babies with my wife. Three years ago I met and fell in love with some nice young lady, who by the time of our meeting was living in a very desperate situation.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Dear Aunt Silvia,

I am a successful business man with a wife and two grown up children. Over 15 years ago I was involved in a road accident and I was hospitalised for almost six months. I underwent over five major operations, one which was done to my scrotum and was told by the doctors that I cannot sire children again. I tried time and again to prove the doctors wrong but the results were all the same.

So I stopped trying for more babies with my wife. Three years ago I met and fell in love with some nice young lady, who by the time of our meeting was living in a very desperate situation.

I helped her solve her problems and also bought her a house, a car and started for her a small business to support herself.  A few months ago a stranger called me and told me that my girlfriend cheats on me with some young man whom she introduced me to as her cousin.

My instincts tell me that it might be true that she is truly having an affair with her so called cousin because I find their closeness weird but have never gotten tangible evidence to pin them down.

What surprises me is that she is now claiming to be expecting my baby, while deep down I know I can’t simply have fathered her unborn child because of the obvious reasons stated above. what do I do?


Dear Musa,

Where there is smoke there is fire. The fact that you received an anonymous phone from some you don’t know of reports about your girlfriend’s movement, and also the coincidence of you being introduced to the same man by your girlfriend as her cousin- and their weird closeness, can be reason enough for you to suspect her, and it calls for you to demand some answers from your girlfriend immediately.

This girl that you have so much helped and lifted her from poverty up to where she is right now, is not expected to go behind your back cheating on you with some men calling them cousins, only for them to go under the sheets when darkness falls.

In this era of HIV/AIDS you cannot afford to have multiple partners who also have other partners elsewhere. You are risking your life with this girl, but more so you are risking the life of an innocent person that am worried about; your wife.

I would advise you to get hold of the girl and take her to the hospital for DNA test to ascertain the paternity of the child she is carrying, I mean miracles do happen- but then you can never be too sure with a person who probably cheats behind your back, after all I am not a medical practitioner.

So go to the hospital for the tests. Then after you have received the results of the tests, whether positive or negative- you need to get rid of this girl, by terminating your relationship with her.

This is a person who will not only break your marriage, but is also at a risk of infecting you with HIV/AIDS  and you pass it on to your wife unknowingly, considering the things she is possibly doing behind your back.

One thing that you must be careful with is the baby. If it turns out that the baby is yours by miracle, then support your girlfriend so that she can give your child a decent life.

If by good chance the baby is not yours, then we say good riddance, you have paid your dues –get on with your life and concentrate on your family.
