The secret life of... : Jean Claude Niyibizi

Jean Claude Niyibizi is the founder and CEO of Youth for Change, an NGO aiming at discouraging youth or the society from drug abuse and other related characters through sensitisation. Below, he tells us a bit about himself: 

Friday, February 12, 2010
Jean Claude Niyibizi

Jean Claude Niyibizi is the founder and CEO of Youth for Change, an NGO aiming at discouraging youth or the society from drug abuse and other related characters through sensitisation. Below, he tells us a bit about himself: 

The first thing you do in the morning…
I pray to the Almighty and ask for guidance
When are you happiest?
Chatting with children and watching comedies
Greatest achievement
It’s like I have not registered any so far.
Greatest fear…
Heart attack
Affectionate memory of your parents
The conversations I used to have with them in the little time we lived together.
What keeps you awake at night?
Whenever I dream of my target, I wake up and never sleep again.
During your free time
I work on the book I am writing. It is about fighting drug abuse.
Retirement plans
I am only 25, so I am working hard to see that my old age is helped by this youth age.