Kayonza Mayor demands more from traders

KAYONZA – The Mayor of Kayonza district, Damas Muhororo has advised businesspersons in the district to be more innovative, so as to fit in the competitive world. He was speaking at one-day meeting that brought together traders and local leaders in the district. Muhororo noted that lack of innovations and critical thinking among traders was responsible for losing out on a number of business opportunities in the district.

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Mayor Damas Muhororo (standing) and his deputy Anastase Barinda at the meeting. (Photo: S. Rwembeho)

KAYONZA – The Mayor of Kayonza district, Damas Muhororo has advised businesspersons in the district to be more innovative, so as to fit in the competitive world.
He was speaking at one-day meeting that brought together traders and local leaders in the district.

Muhororo noted that lack of innovations and critical thinking among traders was responsible for losing out on a number of business opportunities in the district.

"I don’t think you are doing enough to develop Kayonza. I admit that there are administrative problems that you encounter, but they cannot be taken as scapegoat.

Let us get closer to banks and utilize them to develop ourselves and the community in general,” he said.

He challenged the business community to evaluate themselves by assessing the profitability of their businesses.

However, Eugène Gacinya, one of the businesspersons who attended the meeting blamed the district authorities for not being close to them.

He cited delays in paying winners of tenders, bureaucracy and lack of basic infrastructure among the challenges.
"How do you expect us to operate without a built market?

There are no security lights to enable us operate our business at night. Such lack of basics hinders business development,” Gacinya, said.

Anasthase Barinda, the Vice Mayor in charge of Social Affairs in the district, said the district would set aside a special day in a week to address issues related to business and the general development of the district.

"We have agreed in principle with other district officials including the Mayor, to put aside a special day to handle business issues for the common good of the community.” he said.
