PL castigates Ingabire’s political approach

KIGALI - The Liberal Party (PL) has criticized the political approach of controversial presidential aspirant, Victoire Ingabire, saying that she was inciting divisionism. In an interview with The New Times, the party’s second vice president, Francois Byabarumwanzi, strongly criticized Ingabire insisting that she is operating illegally and inciting divisionism among Rwandans.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

KIGALI - The Liberal Party (PL) has criticized the political approach of controversial presidential aspirant, Victoire Ingabire, saying that she was inciting divisionism.

In an interview with The New Times, the party’s second vice president, Francois Byabarumwanzi, strongly criticized Ingabire insisting that she is operating illegally and inciting divisionism among Rwandans.

"Her party is not yet registered, yet she is making declarations; she claims she wants to contest for president but she cannot do it through that channel. She either registers her party or stands as an independent candidate,” said Byabarumwanzi who is also a Member of Parliament said.

Reacting to Ingabire’s utterances, Byabarumwanzi said that his party cannot in anyway side with her.

"PL cannot support what she is saying, and we will not sit back and watch her continue; Rwandans have reached a consensus on many things. When she speaks she sounds different and radical,” said Byabarumwanzi.

He pointed out that all Rwandans have agreed that the Genocide targeted and claimed the lives of the Tutsi.

"We will not condone any person who puts the current unity and reconciliation of Rwandans at risk; this is the stand of my party and all Rwandans who have agreed on the same ideas.”

Byabarumwanzi’s advice to Ingabire is more like that of the European Union Envoy to Rwanda, Ambassador Michel Arron, who advised her to refrain from making radical and incendiary declarations and instead facilitate meaningful debate on different issues.
