Traders protest ‘high’ market levies

GISAGARA – Traders in Nyaruteja market in Nyanza sector, Gisagara district have complained over the sector’s decision to increase levies which they say has pushed some of them out of business. According to the traders, the levies have been increased from Rwf 300 per day to Rwf 1500.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

GISAGARA – Traders in Nyaruteja market in Nyanza sector, Gisagara district have complained over the sector’s decision to increase levies which they say has pushed some of them out of business.  

According to the traders, the levies have been increased from Rwf 300 per day to Rwf 1500.

"The levies have increased sharply. At least it could be raised to Rwf500 because our buyers remain constant.

They are the same and still have the same means,” one trader said, adding that they were afraid of increasing prices for fear of driving customers away.

Another trader said they cannot pay high taxes without getting benefits. Some vendors have reportedly opted to operate from outside the market, to avoid the dues which they say do not match their revenues.

The new modern market was completed in 2008.
However, the Executive Secretary of Nyanza sector, Jean Bosco Uwimana said that residents have no reason to complain because the decision to set the taxes was taken after several consultations.

"Residents should not complain over the taxes because we held several meetings with them before setting the rate.

They have to know that all development activities require a financial means to be achieved,” Uwimana said.
