Smuggled fuel impounded on Lake Kivu

KARONGI – A total of 100 jerrycans of smuggled petrol were last week seized from a trader who tried to sneak them into the country through Lake Kivu. The goods were impounded during a joint operation by a team of Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) and Police.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010
The impounded consignment of fuel (Photo: S. Nkurunziza)

KARONGI – A total of 100 jerrycans of smuggled petrol were last week seized from a trader who tried to sneak them into the country through Lake Kivu.

The goods were impounded during a joint operation by a team of Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) and Police.

According to Police, the fuel was smuggled from Congo which is normally the origin of many other illegal products.

"We appeal to the public to always alert security because without their cooperation, not much can be achieved,” Police said.

RRA officials warned that the owner of the fuel risks losing everything if he does not pay the imposed taxes in time.
