Farmers’ cooperative in financial mess

KAYONZA – Members of a farmers’ cooperative known as Inyabutatu Sabana in Kayonza district, have blamed the former management for their current financial woes. Talking to The New Times, yesterday, the cooperative’s chairman John Ntagungira, said the former leader of the cooperative John Rurangirwa, swindled cash estimated to be millions and mismanaged property belonging to the union.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

KAYONZA – Members of a farmers’ cooperative known as Inyabutatu Sabana in Kayonza district, have blamed the former management for their current financial woes.

Talking to The New Times, yesterday, the cooperative’s chairman John Ntagungira, said the former leader of the cooperative John Rurangirwa, swindled cash estimated to be millions and mismanaged property belonging to the union.

The former leader is also accused of using the cooperative’s tractor in his personal business and selling several tonnes of crops without the knowledge of members.
According to Ntagungira, Rurangirwa withdrew the money from the cooperative’s account without authorization before disappearing.

"We informed every one concerned, but their reluctance has made this man escape without paying back a single coin,” Ntagungira said.

"Now he could be already be out of the country.”
