New SSL servers at Barclays

Barclays Bank PLC has always endeavoured to provide high class security to its clients. It is quite unfortunate that some clients have received emails claiming to be from Barclays bank and advising them to follow a link to what appears to be a Barclay’s website.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Barclays Bank PLC has always endeavoured to provide high class security to its clients. It is quite unfortunate that some clients have received emails claiming to be from Barclays bank and advising them to follow a link to what appears to be a Barclay’s website.

They are then persuaded to enter their personal online banking details and in the long run they lose huge sums of money.

It is for this reason that Barclays bank has now updated the new SSL servers secure system to give its clients fast, secure and better online banking services.

Due to this lastest development, all the clients of Barclays bank are required to update thier accounts info at the following link  This will help to tighten the security system and do away with the theft cases.

The clients will need to release additional information which will be part of the secure login process. This additional information will be asked during the future login security.

It is therefore important that complete and accurate information be provided. If this is not done, a client’s account may have to be suspended temporarily.

Otherwise, we regrete any inconviences caused. Thank you for working with Barclays bank.

Security Advisor

Barclays Bank PLC