Population growth threat to environment-REMA

BURERA - The Environment Management Committees at the sector levels have been tasked to become vigilant in curbing down activities leading to environmental destruction. Racheal Tushabe, Director of environmental education and mainstreaming in REMA, said that human activities especially within the swamps, valleys and lakeshore pose a great risk to water resources.

Monday, February 08, 2010

BURERA - The Environment Management Committees at the sector levels have been tasked to become vigilant in curbing down activities leading to environmental destruction.

Racheal Tushabe, Director of environmental education and mainstreaming in REMA, said that human activities especially within the swamps, valleys and lakeshore pose a great risk to water resources.

Tushabe who was conducting a sensitization training of the Environment Management Committees noted that the high population rate threatens natural resources and called upon the residents to fight soil erosion and stop illegal cutting down of trees.

The environmental management committees are composed of, sector executive secretaries, youth and women council representatives, police and students’ representatives.

Residents of Burera district neighbouring Rugezi water shed were hailed for their concerted efforts of protecting the marshland, which has increased water levels, in lakes and also generated more Hydro power.

During the training, agronomists identified environmental degradation threats, as bush burning, fishing with illegal nets and cultivation in the swamps.
