Where is Alpha?

Editor, Allow me express my concerns about Alpha the winner of Tusker Project Fame3. I live in Canada and I haven’t been back home for quite some time, however this has not cut me off from my country which I love dearly. Among other things that make me proud to be a Rwandan is our culture. Today I would like to talk about our music industry and in particular Alpha.

Sunday, February 07, 2010


Allow me express my concerns about Alpha the winner of Tusker Project Fame3. I live in Canada and I haven’t been back home for quite some time, however this has not cut me off from my country which I love dearly. Among other things that make me proud to be a Rwandan is our culture.

Today I would like to talk about our music industry and in particular Alpha.

It’s been close to four months since this young talented man called Alpha proved to East Africa that he is nothing short of a star sweeping the majority of votes and making ladies cry before being crowned the winner of Tusker Project Fame3.

There are no words to express how happy I was to read about his victory which was well deserved. One has to appreciate all the efforts that were made by his fans and well wishers to celebrate this unprecedented event and welcoming this hero.

Having said that, I think some readers will agree with me if I say that we have started to forget him; especially at a time when a new artist is born every day in Kigali.

I have lost count on these artists; today you’ll hear of The Ben, Tom Close, etc tomorrow you’ll hear of Diplomate, Kavuyo, Channel, Jojo… only God knows how many good artists we have today.

With all due respect I think Alpha should capitalize on this euphoria before his die-hard fans forget him completely.

It might be hard to believe that music industry is among the most competitive industries but that’s the truth.

Getting popularly recognized is every musicians dream; it is therefore disappointing to see how Alpha’s popularity is deteriorating with time.

My final words to Alpha are; please be advised that your fans voted for you and this is your time to pay back by delivering, we believe in your talent and we love you but the question is; How long shall we wait?

Ivan Mugisha
