Banque Nationale du RwandaNational Bank of Rwanda Request for proposals (RFP) Consultant for carrying out the recruitment process of two Senior DirectorsN°01/S/2010-IO/QC/BNR

Sunday, February 07, 2010
Banque Nationale du Rwanda
       National Bank of Rwanda

Request for proposals (RFP)

Consultant for carrying out the recruitment process of two Senior Directors

1. The National Bank of Rwanda (hereinafter called ‘’Client”) has adopted a budget towards the cost of carrying out the recruitment process of two Senior Directors. The Client intends to apply a portion of the funds to eligible payments under the contract for which this Bidding Document is issued.
2. The National Bank of Rwanda invites qualified bidders to submit bids for carrying out the recruitment process of two Senior Directors as indicated in detail in the terms of reference.
3. Tender Documents in English or French  may be obtained from February 02nd, 2010 at Finance and General Services Department upon presentation of payment proof of a non-refundable fee of six thousand Rwandan francs(6 000 Rwf) to Account N° 722.00.20 named "Recupération diverses” at Rwanda National Bank.

4. All bids "shall” be accompanied by a "Bid Security” of two hundred thousand Rwandan Francs only (200 000 Rwf).
5. Enquiries regarding this tender may be addressed to BNR, P.o.Box:531, Tel: (+250)59142419, (+250)59142350 and (250)59142218.
6. Well printed bids, signed, dated, stamped, properly bound and presented in four copies one of which is the original must reach the National Bank of Rwanda at the address mentioned above, and be deposit in the tender box n°2, not later than March 17th, 2010 at 7:00 am GMT or 09:00 am local time.  Late bids will be rejected.
7. Technical proposals will be opened in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend at National Bank of Rwanda, on March 17th, 2010 at 7:00 am GMT or 10:00 am local time. 
8. The Outer envelope should clearly indicate the tender name and title.
9. Bidding will be conducted in accordance with the Law N° 12/2007 of 27/03/2007 on Public Procurement.

SAFARI Philémon
Assistant Director Procurement, Maintenance
and Security  

KAGABO Vianney
Director, Finance and General Services


United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
 Case postal 867 Tel.:         00 250 585 093
 Boulevard de l’Umuganda, Kacyru Fax: 00 250 583 485
 Kigali - Rwanda Email: l:rwaki@unhcr.org
 04 February 2010 

External Vacancy Notice (Re-Advertised)

Position Title:   National Consultant (Associate Environnemental Officer)
Location:   Kigali
Duration:   Three months
Entry on Duty:  01 March 2010

Organizational context:

In the absence of an Environmental Coordinator for UNHCR’s programme in Rwanda the incumbent will, under the guidance of senior Programme Officer in Branch Office Kigali, and in close collaboration with field offices in Kibuye and Byumba, monitor, supervise and manage all environmental activities currently featured in UNHCR’s programme in Rwanda and provide advice on ways and means of realizing and/or improving such activities. Represent UNHCR in the one UN environment theme group.

  Duties and responsibilities:

1) Participate in a scheduled training on development of Community Environmental Action Planning in Gihembe and follow up its replication in Kiziba and Nyabiyeke camps. Prepare overall environmental action plan, which will set out environmental interventions to be undertaken in the hosting areas and roles to be played by various groups in its implementation. Provide recommendations for continued follow-up including full budgetary details for implementation of recommended interventions in the CEAPs.

2) Liaise with partner organizations, including relevant government departments, other UN agencies, local authorities, and beneficiaries in day-to-day operations of ongoing projects in implementation of selected recommendations made by HQ Environment Assessment Mission undertaken in the three camps in May 2009.

3) Identify ways and means of reducing or arresting the impacts of refugees on the environment in the refugee hosting areas, and formulate projects as deemed necessary in the field of reforestation, forest management, natural regeneration, sustainable agriculture, agro forestry, soil and water conservation, awareness raising and energy saving;

4) Identify appropriate local institutions and agencies that have the capacity to implement proposed projects, and advise on the implementation arrangements;

5) Establish a local environment Task Force for different field offices, consisting of UNHCR, the local government, NGOs, refugees and local community representatives, and prepare the terms of reference for the Task force;

6) Prepare and submit suitable, up-to-date documentation on the environment related issues, strategy and activities in Rwanda refugee hosting areas to BO Kigali and OSTS, UNHCR HQs Geneva.

7) Perform other duties as required.

Mission for the Consultant

It is foreseen that the consultant will spend at least one and half weeks in Kigali and the rest of the consultancy period in the field operating from the respective Field Offices.

Minimum Qualification and Professional Experience Required:

Post graduate degree (or equivalent work experience) in forestry, agro forestry, energy conservation, or natural resource management
Four years of job experience relevant to function. Experience working with progressively higher levels of responsibility with international organisations, (including NGOs and UN).  Practical working experience in refugee settings is an added advantage. Experience in working in complex emergencies, including willingness to work extra hours.
Knowledge of English and French Languages is essential. Knowledge of Kinyarwanda or Swahili is desirable.

Applications from equally qualified female candidates are encouraged.
Applications (marked application for vacancy) should include a Letter, CV and a UN Personal History Form (P11) (obtain from: http://www.unhcr.org/recruit/p11new.doc), should be addressed to:
The Representative,
UNHCR Representation Office in Rwanda, Plot 5744, Opp. MTN Centre, Nyarutarama Road, Kigali


 By email: rwakiadm@unhcr.org (E-mail applications preferred)
Closing date:  19 February 2010

Request for Proposal 
IT Equipment Maintenance Service for UNFPA-Rwanda Country Office

Deadline for Submission of quotations:
February 12th 2010 at 1100 hrs Kigali time (GMT + 2)
All interested parties who deem themselves qualified are invited to submit an offer for IT Equipment Maintenance Service as described in the related Terms of reference (Annex III).
In order to receive consideration, all offers must comply with the complete solicitation document, which comprises:
ANNEX I Instructions to Offerors
ANNEX II General Conditions of Contract for Services
ANNEX III Terms of Reference
ANNEX IV Offer Letter Format
ANNEX V Price Schedule
Interested parties may obtain an electronic copy of the complete solicitation document by visiting the UNFPA Rwanda Country Office website as follows: http://www.unfpa.org.rw/procurement/
Printed copies of aforementioned documents are available from UNFPA Country Office Reception, Aurore Building, Umuganda Avenue, Kacyiru, Kigali, Rwanda, and Tel: 583010/585551  
UNFPA Rwanda encourages a comprehensive response to the solicitation document. Careful attention should be given to the specifications of Annex II. Quotations must reach UNFPA Rwanda no later than the deadline date and time indicated above.     
Offers indicating ‘Do not Open in Advance’ on the subject line should be submitted in a sealed envelope to UNFPA Rwanda to the address indicated below. 
Please do not hesitate to contact UNFPA Rwanda Country Office with any queries by emailing kaitare@unfpa.org
UNFPA Rwanda Country Office reserves the right to reject any and all quotations associated with this request and UNFPA Rwanda will in no case be responsible or liable for any and all costs associated with the preparation and submission of quotations, regardless of the conduct or outcome of this solicitation.

Officer in Charge


Request for Proposal 
Procurement of Office stationeries for UNFPA-Rwanda Country Office
Deadline for Submission of quotations:
February 12th 2010 at 1100 hrs Kigali time (GMT + 2)

All interested parties who deem themselves qualified are invited to submit an offer for IT Equipment Maintenance Service as described in the related Terms of reference (Annex III).
In order to receive consideration, all offers must comply with the complete solicitation document, which comprises:
ANNEX I Instructions to Offerors
ANNEX II General Conditions of Contract for Services
ANNEX III Terms of Reference
ANNEX IV Offer Letter Format
ANNEX V Price Schedule
Interested parties may obtain an electronic copy of the complete solicitation document by visiting the UNFPA Rwanda Country Office website as follows: http://www.unfpa.org.rw/procurement/
Printed copies of aforementioned documents are available from UNFPA Country Office Reception, Aurore Building, Umuganda Avenue, Kacyiru, Kigali, Rwanda, and Tel: 583010/585551  
UNFPA Rwanda encourages a comprehensive response to the solicitation document. Careful attention should be given to the specifications of Annex II. Quotations must reach UNFPA Rwanda no later than the deadline date and time indicated above.     
Offers indicating ‘Do not Open in Advance’ on the subject line should be submitted in a sealed envelope to UNFPA Rwanda to the address indicated below. 
Please do not hesitate to contact UNFPA Rwanda Country Office with any queries by emailing kaitare@unfpa.org
UNFPA Rwanda Country Office reserves the right to reject any and all quotations associated with this request and UNFPA Rwanda will in no case be responsible or liable for any and all costs associated with the preparation and submission of quotations, regardless of the conduct or outcome of this solicitation.


Officer in Charge



R.C. A  019  Kigali               TIN n° 10.000.345              Capital : RWF 5 005 000 000             
B.P. 175 - KIGALI              Parcelle 6112, Avenue de la Paix – Kigali (Rwanda)                  



1. The Bank of Kigali invites sealed bids from interested and eligible bidders.
2. Participation in tendering procedures is open on equal conditions to companies specialized in the field. Companies must have a trading license, a valid and original notified Rwanda Revenue Authority tax certificate and Rwanda Social Security Fund’s certificate.
3. This tender is composed by the following items: 

Item Qty Description
1.1 60 Desktop computer
1.2 10 LaserJet printer
1.3 6 router
1.4 6 Switch
1.5 40 Printer guichet
1.6 6 Printer systems
1.7 8 Printer jet

4. Prospective bidders may obtain further information at the address of the BK, not later than the deadline for the submission of bids.
5. The Tender Document can be obtained from Bank of Kigali Head Office, Procurement Office, 3rd floor, Plot n°6112, Avenue de la Paix – Kigali (Rwanda), P.O. Box 175 KIGALI – RWANDA; Email: eluyenzi@bk.rw. Tel: 0252-593-132, with effect from Wednesday, 27th January 2010, during working hours.
6. A non-refundable tender document fee of 50,000- RWF shall be deposited on the account number 040-8722002-86/RWF at BK, before you collect the tender document, and a deposit slip shall be presented to the Procurement service. 
                                                                                                                                           7. A well presented offer should be printed, in English language, properly bound and presented in four copies, one of which is the ORIGINAL and three copies, must be delivered in sealed envelopes not later than Wednesday 15th February 2010 at 3:00' P.M. to the General Services Offices at the above mentioned address. Copies shall be put into an envelope called "inner envelope" bearing the name and the address of the bidder. This envelope shall be put into another one called "outer envelope" marked as follows:

Plot n°6112, Avenue de la Paix, BP 175 KIGALI – RWANDA



8. Any failure to rules related to the presentation and the delivery of the bid as it is mentioned in paragraph above will result into the rejection of the bid.
9. The offers must remain valid for 30 days from the date of the opening of the bids.
10. The opening of bids will take place on the same date of the delivery of the bid at 3:30' P.M., in the meeting room of the Department of Administration, located on 3rd Floor at BK Headquarters located at 6112, Avenue de la Paix, in presence of bidder’s representatives who choose to attend.

Done at Kigali on 26th January 2010

              Ms. Flora NSINGA               Louis RUGERINYANGE
Head of HR & Administration Department    Chief Shared Services Officer



The Magasins Generaux du Rwanda s.a. (MAGERWA) invites all the qualified bidders to submit their bids for the supply of Stationery and other office materials as are indicated from different lots below.

The tender is divided into five lots, and every lot is indivisible. Bidders may compete for all lots or one lot

 Lots are as follows:





The participation is open to all persons (individuals and companies) specialized in the above fields.

The tender document may be obtained from the MAGERWA secretariat 1ST Floor, Tel 0252594104, fax: 572495, Kigali; from 8TH Feb.2010. Upon presentation of a prepaid Bank slip of a non refundable fee of Twenty Thousand Rwandan Francs (Rwf 20 000) on the Account Number 00010-0000210-02-34 of (MAGERWA) opened at the Commercial Bank of Rwanda (BCR).

Well printed bids written in English or French, properly bound and presented in four copies, one of which is the original and three copies addressed to Director General of MAGERWA, P.O.Box 380 Kigali, and Tel 0252594104 not later than 22nd Feb.2010 at 10:00 am local time. The opening of bids will take place on the same day at 10:30 am, local time in the presence of bidders in the conference room of MAGERWA. The sealed bids must bear the name and the address of the company.
Done at Kigali, on 3rd Feb.2010

NYONI E. Lambert
Managing Director
