Rwf2 billion to fight HIV/AIDS in Gicumbi

GICUMBI – The National AIDS Control Commission (CNLS) in partnership with donor agencies has earmarked over Rwf2 billion to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS in Gicumbi district. The revelation was made on Thursday by CNLS Director of Planning and program coordinator, Amina Umulisa Rwakunda, at a meeting with district stakeholders in Gicumbi.

Friday, February 05, 2010
Participants sharing ideas during CNLS meeting in Gicumbi district on Thursday. (Photo: A. Gahene)

GICUMBI – The National AIDS Control Commission (CNLS) in partnership with donor agencies has earmarked over Rwf2 billion to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS in Gicumbi district.

The revelation was made on Thursday by CNLS Director of Planning and program coordinator, Amina Umulisa Rwakunda, at a meeting with district stakeholders in Gicumbi.

Presenting the 2010 CNLS Action Plan, Umulisa called on participants to identify urgent needs from grass-root level in order to receive funding  from the earmarked budget.

"The Action Plan is a dynamic one and not static, which is why you should study it carefully and make necessary adjustments before it is approved”, said Umulisa.

She called on participants engaged in supporting HIV/AIDS orphans and infected persons to form income generating cooperative societies, adding that CNLS shall avail a guarantee fund to enable them acquire loans from banks to boost their economic activities.

Gicumbi district Vice Mayor for Social Affairs, Eugenie Uwamahoro asked CNLS to consider sponsoring secondary school students infected or orphaned by HIV/AIDS in the district.

"Over 500 secondary school students orphaned or infected by HIV/AIDS in the entire district are in need of sponsorship to complete their studies,” said Uwamahoro.

The CNLS coordinator for President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Denise Umwali Wa Ngoga said the students would be sponsored as long as they are properly identified.
