More families get exotic cows

GAKENKE – Poor families in Minazi and Mataba Sectors, Gakenke district on Thursday received 45 Friesian cows donated by PAPSTA, under the national program of One Cow per family. District Vice Mayor, Félicien Mporanyimana, said that one cow per poor family project has created a positive impact among residents in the area, including reducing malnutrition.

Friday, February 05, 2010
Residents decided on the next beneficiaries of the heifers.(Photo: B. Mukombozi)

GAKENKE – Poor families in Minazi and Mataba Sectors, Gakenke district on Thursday received 45 Friesian cows donated by PAPSTA, under the national program of One Cow per family.

District Vice Mayor, Félicien Mporanyimana, said that one cow per poor family project has created a positive impact among residents in the area, including reducing malnutrition.

He added that the cows have led to increased income within families and production of food due to the available manure from cows.

"The One Cow per Family government program is aimed at eradicating poverty and fighting malnutrition among Rwandans in rural areas,” Mporanyimana said.

Jean Marie Sentaru, who represented PAPSTA, urged the beneficiaries to take care of the cattle in order to reap milk and manure for use in their gardens. He also urged other residents to get bank loans to buy more cattle.

PAPSTA, is an organisation under the Ministry of Agriculture which contributes towards the growth of livestock development through the development of appropriate technologies, providing advisory, outreach and extension services to livestock farmers.
