Nyanza public toilets neglected

NYANZA – The unpaved road leading to Ntyazo sector is bumpy and dusty, along this road one can see public toilets lined up on both sides of the road. However, the toilets that were constructed so as to improve hygiene are inaccessible.  The footpaths to these public places of convenience are no longer used as a result of an over grown bush. 

Friday, February 05, 2010

NYANZA – The unpaved road leading to Ntyazo sector is bumpy and dusty, along this road one can see public toilets lined up on both sides of the road.

However, the toilets that were constructed so as to improve hygiene are inaccessible. The footpaths to these public places of convenience are no longer used as a result of an over grown bush. 

On the way to the toilets, one is welcomed by a heavy stench with flies buzz on top of human feces.

Constructed in 2007 by the Rwanda Red Cross, sector residents who talked to The New Times said that the facilities have suffered neglect since nobody seems to care about their maintenance.

"The toilets are in a sorry state, it is difficult for one to ease, the smell is unbearable, people now prefer frequenting nearby homes,” said Erneste Hakizima a businessman in the nearby Ntyazo market.

"We suggested that the toilets are closed until local authorities set up mechanisms for their management, they are a health risk to the neighboring population,’ said Vianney Uwizeyimana, a sector resident.

Local administration officials in the sector said they were aware of the problem and they are working out a plan to manage them.

"We are working closely with committees of health volunteers in different cells of the sector to find a solution to the problem,” said Vedaste Mbarubukeye the Executive secretary of Ntyazo sector.
