Setting anyone on fire is inhuman

Editor, When I read in yesterday’s issue that a police constable in Kicukiro is admitted at the Central Hospital of Kigali (CHK) in critical condition after suffering serious burns from unknown assailants, I was shocked. Shocked is an understatement in fact! How people in their rightful minds can think of purchasing or stealing petrol, pour it on a fellow human being and set that person ablaze is nothing but inhuman.

Friday, February 05, 2010


When I read in yesterday’s issue that a police constable in Kicukiro is admitted at the Central Hospital of Kigali (CHK) in critical condition after suffering serious burns from unknown assailants, I was shocked. Shocked is an understatement in fact! How people in their rightful minds can think of purchasing or stealing petrol, pour it on a fellow human being and set that person ablaze is nothing but inhuman.

Our country is trying to move on in the right direction and yet such people crop up and do such horrible things. Residents who responded to Constable Eric Mulisa agonised alarm should be commended for their timely response.

Let’s hope Constable Mulisa will heal quickly so that he can help in the investigations so that these murderous assailants can be brought to justice. Our country saw enough bloodshed in the unfortunate events of 1994, we do not want any such reminders.

Get well soon Mr. Mulisa.

Joseph Kananga