e-soko, digital agricultural markets

Dear Editor, Allow me through your newspaper to congratulate the government for the launch of e-soko project. I am an agriculturist dealing several agro-products and this new project will help me access market prices and agro-information easily. This new project proves Rwanda has surely moved a step further in bridging the digital divide. However the government should ensure that this project is accessed by all farmers across the country.

Friday, February 05, 2010

Dear Editor,

Allow me through your newspaper to congratulate the government for the launch of e-soko project. I am an agriculturist dealing several agro-products and this new project will help me access market prices and agro-information easily.

This new project proves Rwanda has surely moved a step further in bridging the digital divide. However the government should ensure that this project is accessed by all farmers across the country.

I have tried out the product and I have realized that it truly offers online information to traders and consumers and gives them a uniform and trouble-free way of trade.
I praise e-soko because it has created an easy-to-use system amongst the users.

The investment in knowledge of ICTs particularly e-soko will open doors to global interactivity and competition thus paving way to a future of endless opportunities.

This project is a conviction that all citizens must be equipped with the basic IT skills as a prerequisite for existence in the ICT age.

The focus here is most definitely on people so, the government should strive to ensure that all citizens get the opportunity to continue, start or restart on the path to success.

This Agricultural Market Pricing Information System will also significantly enhance the Ministry of Agriculture - MINAGRI’s interaction with the farmers and traders.

The government should clearly communicate to the people that farmers will use ordinary cell phones to query up-to-date price databases run by the Ministry of Agriculture and receive relevant and updated information on market prices for agricultural goods.

Kigushu Amina
