Church solves succession dispute – a good thing

Editor, Religion is supposed to a unifying factor. However, sometimes one wonders what the real agenda of religious leaders is when they start fighting over their ‘flock’. At Prayer Palace succession was the cause of a big rift among the leaders and the led. This, after the death last year of its pastor Jane Kanyange. It’s sad to hear people who preach about leaving earthly things and vying for heavenly glory fighting over earthly things.

Friday, February 05, 2010
Pastor Moses Muhumuza, the transitional senior pastor of Prayer Palace.


Religion is supposed to a unifying factor. However, sometimes one wonders what the real agenda of religious leaders is when they start fighting over their ‘flock’. At Prayer Palace succession was the cause of a big rift among the leaders and the led.

This, after the death last year of its pastor Jane Kanyange. It’s sad to hear people who preach about leaving earthly things and vying for heavenly glory fighting over earthly things.

That is a sign of pride and greed. It’s good that the forum for the Born Again Pentecostal Churches came in to resolve matters.

Pastors should be exemplary but what those at Prayer Palace had started is nothing to be proud of. It will take a long time for trust to be rebuilt in this church.

The pastors therefore have a lot of work cut out for them in as far as reconciliation among themselves and the congregation is concerned.

Josephine Karugaba