Perfect Weekend…. : Thomas Goodfellow

Thomas Goodfellow is a student from the London School of Economics. He is in the country on a study of economics in comparison to economic activities of our neighbours Uganda. He says he enjoys the country mostly over the weekends. I start the weekend on Friday evening. I get to Nyamirambo and I love the beauty of the area. It is just like Kampala mostly during the evening.

Friday, February 05, 2010

Thomas Goodfellow is a student from the London School of Economics. He is in the country on a study of economics in comparison to economic activities of our neighbours Uganda. He says he enjoys the country mostly over the weekends.

I start the weekend on Friday evening. I get to Nyamirambo and I love the beauty of the area. It is just like Kampala mostly during the evening.

I love the place as it tends to be always busy. Usually I end up at Sun City hotel. I have drinks and enjoy the roast meet, but get home before mid-night.

On Saturday, I may travel to Bujumbura or spend the day out of Kigali. However, it is perfect when I travel.

I get there 2p.m, spending the evening at the shores of Lake Tanganyika at Borabora beach. I enjoy the breezes, listen to music and have pizzas.
The night finds me at Le lion D`or night club. I love dancing and leave the place like at 4a.m to go sleep.

On Sunday, I have to travel back to Kigali. By 5p.m I am home preparing for Monday morning work.
That’s what my perfect weekend is like.