GET INSPIRED : No one should take the blame for your failure

The last time you tried out a project it terribly failed but you never wanted to take the blame. You looked out for possible reasons why things had not gone your way. Usually every time we make mistakes our first reaction the moment we discover we have hit the wrong button, is to immediately start asking what went wrong.

Friday, February 05, 2010

The last time you tried out a project it terribly failed but you never wanted to take the blame. You looked out for possible reasons why things had not gone your way.

Usually every time we make mistakes our first reaction the moment we discover we have hit the wrong button, is to immediately start asking what went wrong.

You try to make a list of reasons why things did not go the way you expected and in most cases you want to shift the blame to someone else but yourself.

I remember as children whenever questioned about our poor performance in class we would always have an excuse like "everyone in class did not perform so well” or "Maybe that teacher does not like me” and so on but not taking the blame.

We do not want to admit failure. "It should have turned out differently…, I should have passed……., I ought to have attained that award of merit considering all the hard work and sacrifice…” and the list of excuses goes on.

Failure may mean alot to different people; while to some people it  is a way of an acceptance that "I did a complete mess of the entire project I was working on and therefore there is no other way I can redeem the situation,” they resign claiming there is no hope at all.

Some will take it as an essential part of great success in the future and this will only be a temporally obstacle in achieving their goals.

They will thus use that as a way of devising better means of making the situation better.

If you can, take some time off examine the possibilities that you might have over looked. Maybe there are some things you did not do that could have influenced the success of your project.

Success is not something that comes automatically or even instantly. It is not about how much money you invested in a project and how soon you expect to get its returns.

It could be about those small changes that you do need to improve your performance and not necessarily those very huge moves that might seem obvious.

Often, it is not about how many times you fall, it is about how many times you rise and stand up on your feet again, how you pick your self up and walk again.

You were not born walking, you crawled first and fell so many times but you never gave up, you tried to stand up again until you perfected that walk. We fell down so many times but our mothers always cheered us on and without a tear we walked again.

Do not carry that burden of failure on your shoulders and neither should you blame it on someone else just pick yourself up and walk again.