Why evict vendors and hawkers from the park?

Editor,    Vendors are the kind of people who bring business closer to the people. Vendors can also be classified as Small Medium Enterprises (SME) and the amount of taxes they collectively pay is more than the big tax payers. It is therefore disheartening to hear that more than 400 of these vendors and hawkers, were evicted from the taxi park operating from Remera.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Vendors are the kind of people who bring business closer to the people. Vendors can also be classified as Small Medium Enterprises (SME) and the amount of taxes they collectively pay is more than the big tax payers.

It is therefore disheartening to hear that more than 400 of these vendors and hawkers, were evicted from the taxi park operating from Remera.

The reason they were evicted was because many of them, despite dressing in the required uniforms, had turned into being thieves.

If there are some who are thugs involved in robbery, then those pushing the vice should be treated as criminals.

However their dubious activities should not affect the business of the other law abiding citizens unless they are operating illegally.

Kimenyi Francios