News in brief

Residents decry water shortage Residents of Kigoma sector, Nyanza district have raised complaints over the scarcity of water in the area, which has made them resort to fetching dirty water that exposes them to diseases. They claim that their children have also been missing classes because they have to travel long distances to search for water.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Residents decry water shortage

Residents of Kigoma sector, Nyanza district have raised complaints over the scarcity of water in the area, which has made them resort to fetching dirty water that exposes them to diseases.

They claim that their children have also been missing classes because they have to travel long distances to search for water.

The official in charge of social affairs, Claudette Murebwayire, said that the authorities were aware of the problem, but called for more support from the district.

Burundians on AIDS study tour

Fifteen people from Burundi are in the country to learn firsthand the methods that have been adopted by the country to fight the scourge.

They were received by Anita Assimwe, the Executive Secretary of Rwanda’s National Aids Control Commission (CNLS).

Burundi has registered over 159,000 people infected with HIV/AIDS

The delegation that is led by two Burundian members of parliament will be in the country for four days.

OCIR-café to hold workshops

Following the slight decline of coffee exports in year 2009, OCIR-Cafe′ has embarked on holding workshops with coffee cooperatives in the Eastern Province with an aim of teaching them ways of improving the quality of their coffee and how to expand the market.
