Condom use and morality

Editor, People today have chosen condom use as the most comfortable methods to fight against HIV/AIDS.I appreciate the efforts that the National AIDS Control Commission (CNLS) is doing to promote condom use in Night Clubs. Even more interesting is the move by some churches like those in Gicumbi to sensitise their followers on condom use as a way towards fighting the spread of HIV/AIDS.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010


People today have chosen condom use as the most comfortable methods to fight against HIV/AIDS.

I appreciate the efforts that the National AIDS Control Commission (CNLS) is doing to promote condom use in Night Clubs. Even more interesting is the move by some churches like those in Gicumbi to sensitise their followers on condom use as a way towards fighting the spread of HIV/AIDS.

This campaign is a way forward towards curbing this pandemic however, Rwandans should not stop at damping these condoms onto people without properly expounding on the fact that they are not 100 percent safe.

More efforts should be placed on other ways of handling HIV/AIDS. People need to understand that sexual intercourse is not the only way HIV is spread.

It can be spread at a hospital through blood transfusion of infected blood, sharing sharp instruments with an HIV positive person or through the mouth when kissing an infected person.

While the country promotes condom use, emphasis should also be placed on morality and abstinence as the safest fight against HIV/AIDS. Condoms should not act as an excuse for sexually active people to go on rampage, it would be chaotic.

In fact sex education should be introduced in upper primary and secondary schools to increase awareness among the youth; who so far, are the most affected either through ignorance or stupidity.

Belinda Kamikaze