Better roads will improve business

For many years Kayonza town has not had feeder roads linking to the various quarters and zones that make up the town. Only narrow paths existed in the area. Residents of Kayonza are very excited about the latest development of the on going road construction of about 14 Kilometers.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

For many years Kayonza town has not had feeder roads linking to the various quarters and zones that make up the town. Only narrow paths existed in the area. Residents of Kayonza are very excited about the latest development of the on going road construction of about 14 Kilometers.

This development is intended to connect the road construction in line with the town’s master plan.

The residents are hopeful that this will bring about a boom in business in the area and rapid prosperity due to the ease in movement.

School going children among other road users have been saved the hustle of getting smeared with the morning dew common along narrow paths in their quarters.

Even the vendors who have been congesting the tarmac roads in Kayonza will have to join in the quarters and zones so that they can engage in normal business. Clients will not have problems tracing them in their new locations.

In addition to providing employment, roads are essential in any business transaction.
