KCC should continue inspecting and closing filthy schools

Editor, I went to visit my former high school a few weeks ago and as I walked around the compound, I felt a sense of déjà vu. The compound was as messy as usual, the toilets were still horrible and the dormitories were as cramped and messy as I remembered. What made this surprising was the fact that this school is one of the best known secondary schools in Kigali.

Monday, February 01, 2010
The Mayor of Kigali, Aisa Kirabo, is spearheading hygiene in schools


I went to visit my former high school a few weeks ago and as I walked around the compound, I felt a sense of déjà vu. The compound was as messy as usual, the toilets were still horrible and the dormitories were as cramped and messy as I remembered.

What made this surprising was the fact that this school is one of the best known secondary schools in Kigali.

Personally, I still wonder why we didn’t have so many disease outbreaks; it was a miracle. And if I deemed this ‘prestigious’ school unhygienic, I wonder how the conditions are at the less well known schools. They must be terrible.

That is why I’m calling on the Kigali City Council to ratchet up the pressure and force all the schools in Kigali to have a minimum level of hygiene.

And if they don’t, then they should suffer the same fate as Collège Ingenzi and Springs Academy,which will not open their boarding sections for their students due to poor hygiene as the new schools’ term begins.

Moses Kagabo