Health insurance is good for all

Many people are increasingly becoming vulnerable to different ailments particularly in the rural areas.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Many people are increasingly becoming vulnerable to different ailments particularly in the rural areas.

This leaves a great deal of uncertainty about the general health of the population.

The urban area which is relatively dwelt in by a bigger population compared to the rural areas is less susceptible to different diseases simply because they are well versed with the preventive measures.

In addition, most inhabitants can afford medical fees vis-à-vis their rural counter parts.

It is in this regard that I request the relevant authorities to release the money meant for collective health insurance (mutuelle de sante) so that every body living in Rwanda is made legible to this programme that is other wise good and timely.

I think it would be easier if the nearest population’s bank liaise with districts administration to get the money, and then the same district administration collects back the money from the population in a bid to pay back the money to the union of the population’s bank.

I think if the same is done it will have saved many from various illnesses, thus boosting the country’s economy, as many people will be physical healthy and capable of being productive in different spheres.
