Our heroes must never be forgotten

Editor, As we celebrate Heroes Day, we shouldn’t merely use the holiday to just forego work and relax all day, drinking alcohol and merrymaking. We should take a few moments and think about why we are having a public holiday. This day isn’t like New Years or anything like that; this is the day that we remember just who made it possible for us to call this wonderful nation home. As someone who was raised in the Diaspora, and whose parents were forced into exile in 1959, I cannot take this day for granted.

Sunday, January 31, 2010
The late Fred Rwigema. A true Rwandan hero.


As we celebrate Heroes Day, we shouldn’t merely use the holiday to just forego work and relax all day, drinking alcohol and merrymaking. We should take a few moments and think about why we are having a public holiday. This day isn’t like New Years or anything like that; this is the day that we remember just who made it possible for us to call this wonderful nation home.

As someone who was raised in the Diaspora, and whose parents were forced into exile in 1959, I cannot take this day for granted.

Because of the personal sacrifice of the brave men and women, I am able to call Kimihurura my home. If these heroes had chosen to only care about themselves, I would still be called ‘foreigner’ no matter what I tried.

That is why I am going to take a few moments in my busy life and meditate of what heroism is, and how I may best remember the deeds of those I call my heroes. I wish that everyone could do the same as well.

Happy Heroes Day.

Sam Rwego