What did the other players think of the RDB awards?

Engineer Mulamula-Principal Deputy CEO-RDB “Involving more stakeholders hold more promises of success in defining respect among our companies. We thus need to bring on board more stakeholders such as the efforts by the PSF which is highly commendable. That said I must however point out that for us to have even have a better event next year we need to put more efforts on better organization, we need more forms of support from stakeholders. We also have to consider how to recognize new players and investors coming in”.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Engineer Mulamula-Principal Deputy CEO-RDB

"Involving more stakeholders hold more promises of success in defining respect among our companies. We thus need to bring on board more stakeholders such as the efforts by the PSF which is highly commendable. That said I must however point out that for us to have even have a better event next year we need to put more efforts on better organization, we need more forms of support from stakeholders. We also have to consider how to recognize new players and investors coming in”.

Janet Nkubana-CEO Gahaya Links

"Truly it is an avenue for competition which we really need. Entrepreneurs should use it to reposition themselves for the purposes of making their businesses better. That being the case I would request the organizers next year to consider making it more open and more transparent specifically in terms of exposure. Once there is more exposure we can use best practices from the winners to learn”.

Donna Josh Rubagumya-Manager Great Lakes Communication &Media Centre

"The awards should have it’s own identity and should be branded. Suggestions such as ‘Pride of Rwanda Awards’ should be given some thoughts rather than merely RDB awards that is  very plain’. Next year I want to see something much more glamorous.  Though I must point out that it was a good start”.

Robert Bayigamba-President-PSF

"It is a celebration of partnership. It is about measuring performance. Meaning that through this event you can gauge the future of this country. In order to ascertain more how to gauge the pace of our country’s growth in a more vibrant way through this event I think that it is equally important to embrace more  communication inputs  for the purposes of publicizing this very important national event”.
